Skills Certification

Capodarco Formazione is a body entitled for the certification and validation of skills

How does it work

The service of certification and validation of skills is divided into several phases which aim to recognize the candidate's own skills, in the form of a validation document or a professional qualification certificate.

Let's see what they are.

Preliminary phase – Reception and information

The candidate who goes to the headquarters of the entitled entity is guided in verifying the requirements for access to services (characteristics of the process, rights, duties, costs) according to regional legislation.

Articulation of skills identification and validation services

  1. Identification: reconstruction of the person's experiences, transparency of the skills acquired in formal, non-formal and informal contexts and development of a «Support document for the transparency of the skills acquired» attributable to one or more qualifications (Transparency Document);
  2. Assessment: technical exam of Transparency document and possible direct evaluation, intended as an evaluation test in the presence of the candidate through an audition, technical interview and/or performance test;
  3. Attestation: drafting and release of Validation document

Structure of the skills certification service

  1. Identification: acquisition of the document formalizing the outcomes in the case of a formal learning path or acquisition of the «Validation Document», in the case of learning acquired in non-formal and informal contexts;
  2. Assessment: provision of equipped rooms for carrying out technical interviews and performance tests, on the basis of the evaluation plan prepared by the Certification Commission, pursuant to Legislative Decree 13/2013 and the Interministerial Decree of 30 June 2015;
  3. Attestation: support for the preparation of examination documentation and Professional qualification certificate


With determination no. G 04979 of the 04/05/2021 (and integration no. G 05320 of 10/05/2021) Capodarco Formazione Impresa Sociale srl is a body entitled to provide:

  1. of the services of identification and validation of skills
  2. of the service of certification of skills

The process of identification, validation and certification of skills aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • promote the transparency of learning and the adherence of training to the needs of businesses and professions in order to facilitate the matching of job supply and demand
  • expand the usability of qualifications at national and European level in order to facilitate geographical and professional mobility

The certification process is the procedure for formal recognition of skills acquired in contexts formal, even in the event of interruption of the training course, or of validated ones acquired in contexts non-formal And informal.