Our courses

We offer different types of training courses

From our offices we manage multiple types of courses to try to satisfy the needs of all interested parties, from free training courses for young people and the disabled to authorized courses for adults.

Scroll down the page to find out more.

Free Regional Courses

Dedicated to young people between 14 and 18 years old in compulsory education

Our free courses are dedicated to young people aged between 14 and 18 who - after middle school - intend to undertake a professional training course. These are totally free courses because they are financed by the Lazio Region. The study cycle lasts three years to obtain the professional qualification, plus the fourth additional year for the professional diploma which qualifies you to practice your own profession.

We at Capodarco Formazione organize courses to become beauticians or hairdressers in our office in Via Demetriade.

Corsi Gratuiti per Parrucchiere o Estetista
Corsi Gratuiti per Giovani con Disabilità

Free Regional Courses

Dedicated to young people aged between 18 and 29 with disabilities

Our free courses dedicated to young people with disabilities between the ages of 18 and 29 are aimed at acquiring professional skills. These are also totally free courses because they are financed by the Lazio Region. The study cycle lasts two years during which all participants follow a common initial path which is then differentiated based on the aspirations of the individual student. This is why we also talk about Individualized Training Paths: each path is unique and personalized to the needs of the individual.

We at Capodarco Formazione organize PFI in the Rome offices in Via Gianelli and Via Saponaro. In Grottaferrata, however, in via S. Nilo.

Authorized Regional Courses

Dedicated to all adults who aspire to a professional qualification

Our authorized courses are dedicated to all adults who wish to complete or advance their education, acquiring a professional qualification that gives them a greater chance of finding work. These are courses authorized by the Lazio Region, therefore at the end of the course a professional qualification will be issued with all the legal effects and the payment of a minimum fee which varies depending on the course is required.

We at Capodarco Formazione organize professional courses for adults in our offices in Via Gianelli (Rome) and in Via S. Nilo (Grottaferrata).

Corsi Gratuiti per Parrucchiere o Estetista