Mission & Vision

Capodarco Formazione Impresa Sociale srl was born on 8 November 2019 from the continuous transformation of the Capodarco Roma Formazione ONLUS Association, after 11 years of activity.


Identity and mission are closely connected to our history, to our corporate form and to the European, national and regional policy system within which it operates.

We are a new social enterprise closely linked to the roots and vocations of the territory in which it operates (Rome and its suburbs, the Castelli Romani area), whose mission is realized in the provision of training, orientation and job services, and in European and local development projects, characterized by a focus on quality and innovation, aimed at giving concrete answers to people's professionalization and employment needs


Capodarco Formazione aims to become a strong and credible interlocutor for the institutions responsible for planning and managing the professional training system, to acquire an important role both in the field of basic training and in that of higher education or of higher education, also identifying new sectors of intervention.

Capodarco Formazione intends to increase the line of research, both by working alongside national bodies in charge and by consolidating the European networks already activated, in order to increasingly become a point of reference for the development of new system models aimed at integrating the areas of orientation , training and job placement.

Capodarco Formazione wants to engage in the loyalty and enhancement of the network of companies involved for internship and work placements through awareness-raising and training, aimed at promoting a culture of integration and increasing job placement opportunities.