CPI Vignali: The Capodarco Formazione territorial network is enriched with a new project!

The territorial network of Capodarco Formazione Impresa Sociale plays a key role in facilitating access to the world of work for young students of our PFI courses

In recent years, we have significantly expanded our network of agreements with organizations and companies, creating more internship opportunities for members.

A significant example of these efforts is the Framework Agreement stipulated on 5 September 2022 with the Lazio Region, which allowed several students to participate in curricular internships at local employment centres. This initiative, approved with resolution n°G10739 of August 2022, was a concrete step towards the integration of our students into the city's working fabric.

Furthermore, this training year saw a continuation of the collaboration with the Via Vignali Employment Centre. After an initial professional orientation pilot project at the Via Antonio Maria Gianelli office, we extended and deepened the initiative. This project aims to further strengthen the professional paths of the students involved and provide them with additional support in career choices.

These initiatives represent valuable opportunities for students to gain practical experience and better navigate the world of work. However, they are also a clear sign of how essential it is to have structured support in these initial stages of your professional career.

We at Capodarco Formazione will continue to work to ensure that these opportunities are not only available, but also adequately supported to help young people navigate the complex world of work, in an inclusive and supportive perspective that can enrich both the individual and society.

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